RF over fiber link - ROF 8-IU
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Kariéra: Voľná pozícia
24.03.2025 -
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RF over fiber link - ROF 8-IU
Professional RF-over-Fiber link, designed for the New Ultra Wide Band LNBS (250-2.350 MHz)
Indoor Chassis providing 1+1 Redundant Link Configuration
Front and Rear Ethernet plus 2 SFP Slots for Ethernet over Fiber allows perfect integration in any customer system
All Optical RX & Optical TX modules are HOT-SWAPPABLE including Power Supply and Network Controller
The ROF-x-x link system can be completely Configurated, Controlled and Monitored via the front panel Controller or via WEB GUI or SNMP
Internal LNB Powering or an integrated Bias-T built-in the RF Connector Adapter module allows powering any kind of connected equipment, e.g. LNB
TX & RX 5 years warranty
Suggested for NEW ULTRA WIDE BAND LNBS (250-2350 MHz)
All OPTICAL Connections in the Front
All RF Connections in the Rear
Front accessable RF Monitoring Ports
External or Internal LNB powering with current monitoring
Superior RF, OMI Linearity and Low Noise
Monitoring with key Board Controller , SNMP or WEB-GUI
LED Alarms available in all HOT-SWAP Modules
RF & OPTICAL Power Sensor Monitor & Alarms
50 & 75 Ohm available with F, SMA, BNC, N RF-Connectors
Fully Compatible with existing Systems
Ideal for HTS (High Throughtput Satellite)
Serve all Up-Link dedicated Requirements
Produkt manažér:
Obchodné oddelenie, +421268204060, sales@sortec.sk